A Little Bit About Me

Kathy gets to edit amazing stories for her day job. She's also a busy single mom of three brilliant and colourful coming-of-age humans, and she's a cat lover. She enjoys writing, gardening, dancing, crafty stuff like making soaps and candles, and exploring the world of mystical spirituality.

Kathy writes romance, woman's fiction, and fantasy - stories with heart, sweet, gentle, touching, and sometimes crazy. She loves her heroines to be independent women who are intent upon pursuing their dreams in life. Her heroes must be kind and good men, but never flawless.

You can find more about her editing services here: Indie Editing Chick


  1. Hi Kathy
    It was so wonderful stumbling onto your website. You've achieved so much and you inspire me endlessly. Looking forward to what the future holds for you.


    1. Thank you, Melony, for stopping by and for your well-wishes. Lovely to meet you!!

  2. I am so glad to "meet" you here and I am amazed at the range of your books and of your gift of writing. May true Love continue to inspire you!

    1. Thank you, Nadene. Thank you for your kind words and for stopping by.

  3. Hello Kathy. I am a BOB author helping out in the transition by putting together an email list for the new editor to contact the authors directly. Can you please send me your email address: dmobyrne@comcast.net. Thank you!
