Thursday, January 31, 2013

Romance Movies Quiz

For the next four weeks, I will be running a giveaway contest on my blog. Each week, I'm going to ask a few questions about romantic movies. And each week I will be giving away a copy of my novella, "Reminding Me of You." The story starts off on Valentine's Day which is coming up in a couple of weeks. What better way to enjoy the month of love than to read and watch romance?

If you like reading romance, you probably enjoy romantic movies. I’m crazy about them and have a few firm favourites which I have watched several times already. I’m going to ask you some questions about these four movies and if you get the answers right, you can win a copy of my latest e-book novella, “Reminding Me of You” in PDF. If no-one gets them right, the one with the most questions right, will win a copy.

The first movie and my ultimate favourite is “Nottinghill,” starring Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. I think the reason I love this movie is that the characters are so real and some of them seriously hilarious like William’s room-mate Spike. It’s not just the hero and heroine that are fantastic but all the secondary characters. The script is top-class – I know because I’ve read it. I managed to pick up the book with the full script inside at a secondhand bookshop quite a few years ago.

1.  William’s friend Tony was an architect but changed his career to what?

2.  What type of books does William sell in his bookshop?

3.  What juice did William spill on Anna?

4.  Where did Anna first kiss William?

5.  What hotel was Anna staying at in London?

6.  What made William realise he must steer clear of Anna?

You can give your answers on the comments below. Make sure you number your answers correctly.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Flirty Novella

How could I miss the release of my new novella? My house has been upside down as our bedroom was getting tiled and we were sleeping in our sons' bedroom and them in the lounge, and my kitchen has been in the dining-room as we're painting it. The previous owners had absolutely no idea how to paint walls. The outside of our house is painted with brown roof paint which hasn't withstood the weather too well. Our lounge was painted in a bright purple which a few years ago we painted over with many coats. The kitchen was painted with this yellow powdery stuff that I'm not too sure was paint and has been coming off in blotches over the years. On the splashback tiles, light switches, and door frames, a kitchy green was sponged on. We had to scrub this yellow gunk off with plenty of sugar soap so my muscles and back are aching and my fingers raw. Tomorrow, we will sand and then attempt to paint. Besides that, I had to scrub the black specks off the tiles in my bedroom and move back in. What a relief that tonight I get to sleep in my own room.
Anyway, it was with mind-blowing surprise that I found my book in the recent release page of Astraea Press (not that they didn't tell me it would be released on the 1st January.) Reminding Me of You is a fun, flirty, funny short book about the power of memories and decisions when it comes to love. It's my first book that I haven't set in my home country, South Africa, so it was quite a step into unchartered waters. I enjoyed the research for it though, especially seeing I'm seriously enchanted with Paris and would love to visit it one day.