Monday, March 30, 2015

Libby Waterford and Sweet Imperfection

Welcome with me Libby Waterford, Decadent Publishing author of steamy contemporary romances, talking about her second book in the Weston University Series Novellas. She's giving away a $20 Amazon card too!

Sweet Imperfection by Libby Waterford
Available from Decadent Publishing  March 31, 2015

A contemporary multi-cultural erotic romance novella


Single and childless, Emma Chen-Delvaux is finding her ten-year college reunion almost more than she can handle. Running into recently divorced Nate Hirsch is a welcome distraction, especially when the old friends’ flirtation escalates from banter to the bedroom. Nate and Emma have off-the-charts chemistry, but will their imperfections end their affair after one red-hot reunion weekend?

Excerpt from Sweet Imperfection (18+)

She told herself a woman was entitled to change her mind and that going to Nate’s room close to midnight didn’t make her slutty. Some of the things she wanted to do to him once she got there might qualify her for the designation, but that would be between them. God, it had been so long since she’d had sex she was practically wet just thinking about making out with him.
She barreled into the building since the door was conveniently propped open, but then stopped. She didn’t know which room he was assigned to. She’d meant to get his phone number, but had been so flustered by the kiss it had slipped her mind.
Oh well, she’d have to do this the old-fashioned way.
“Nate!” she called in a fairly loud voice as she trailed through the first-floor hallway. “Nate!”
The hallway was dead quiet, so he was either ignoring her or the floor’s occupants were very sound sleepers. They were probably all at the party in Ashworth 10.
She climbed to the second floor, calling his name, feeling slightly foolish, but also pretty horny, which was more important.
A woman came out of the bathroom and looked startled when Emma rushed up to her.
“Hey, do know what room Nate Hirsch is in, by any chance?”
 “Um, no, sorry,” she said, then scurried back to her room on the opposite side of the hall.
Emma wasn’t giving up so easily and again called, “Nate!” She was about to climb the stairs to the top floor of the building when the door of the corner room opened and Nate stuck out his head.
“Nate.” She rushed up to him, relishing the confused but cute smile on his face and the crinkles it formed around his eyes.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m an idiot. I thought it would be taking things too fast, but we’ve known each other forever. Plus, there’s a rager going on right outside my room, and I’d rather get no sleep this way.” She planted an open-mouthed kiss on him that had them both stumbling backward into his room. The door clanged shut behind them; Emma paid no attention to anything except the fierceness with which Nate’s arms clamped around her, holding her to him as if for dear life.

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About the Author
Libby Waterford writes steamy contemporary romances. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two sons, where she works off her weekly pilgrimage to In-N-Out by swimming and climbing the city's secret staircases.

Author Links


The Weston University Novella Series

Book One: Passionate History

Giveaway (March 23 – April 3)

Monday, March 16, 2015

What's Most Important in Life

Sometimes, I can be philosophical and think deeply about life. Life gets busy and we get caught up in the rat race, but every now and then, we feel this emptiness and wonder what it's all about.

I've been thinking lately. What is my real purpose in life?

Yeah, sure, I'm a writer. That's what I spend most of my time doing nowadays (except for mindless housework). My kids are bigger now and they do most of their school work independently. I also feel, in a way, that as I work hard on my writing and persist even when it's hard, I'm setting an example to them of hard work even when I don't see big results straight away.

But really, in the end of my life, am I going to be satisfied with just being a writer? As a Christian, no. That's not enough for me. I want to feel like I've changed the world - made it a better place, somehow.

On the weekend, we went to visit friends of ours who are starting an orphanage. They've been building for three years and have gone through many trials with getting approval and funding for their project. But now they have a house up which they live in that has three rooms with beds in for some orphans. They have a games room and dining room with fitted kitchen and a small room for a preschool. They even have some jungle gyms up. The place is rustic, but it's awesome! It's away from town in the middle of nowhere, but I know it's going to be full of life. I felt quite taken aback by the way they've laid down their lives for helping children who are born to less fortunate circumstances to what we or our children have been born to. They're not living in the easiest spot. I really respect their dedication and love. I chatted with my friend and told her, "I don't do anything for God." Yes, I used to be involved in mission work in Zambia (more education as opposed to mission.) And I did teach Sunday School for many years and even worked in a church, but of late, I've become so busy being a wife, Mom and writer, that I've had little time to impact my world. It kind of feels dry and lonely.

So, I've determined in my heart to impact my world in some way. Even if it's in small ways like loving other people, helping other authors, taking time to listen to a friend, giving them a small gift, anything. I also pray that God uses my books to touch people's lives in some way. Some of what I've learned about life comes out in my books and I hope that springs forth into someone's soul and they feel a measure of hope or anything good from my books.

Maybe one day, God will open the doors for me to do something really grand. Maybe not. But even if He doesn't, I'm going to try my best to do good with the small tasks I have every day.

I think that's a little bit what Alicia learnt in my book, A Better Promise. She had such grand ideas as a young person of what she was going to do for God. I know I did. I thought I was going to be a missionary or pastor's wife. I'm really glad I'm not either of those because they're not my gifting. But Alicia thought God had called her to be single and only concentrate on His work. God brought Braedon to show her He had other plans. Isn't love what it's all about? Whether it's love for our spouse, our kids, our friends, a stranger in the shop, that's the foundation of how we can impact our world. It's not about grand deeds (although they're good) but about doing the little things every day to make it a better world.

A Better Promise comes out tomorrow. You can purchase it at Decadent Publishing now or pre-order it on the other sites:

Decadent Publishing
Google Play

Opal from Videos by O designed a book trailer for me. Check it out here.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Pre-release News

Phew, I've been a bit AWOL on my blog writing lately. But guess what that means? I'm upping my book word count, which is great news. I've had a breakthrough with a book that started off very difficult in the beginning - Book # 2 of The Album series. Pauline and Xaden are going to make for great sexual tension. There's nothing more fun than forcing two people together who don't want to be together yet are attracted to each other. Bound to have many sparks fly.

Anyway, that's not why I'm posting today. I'm just letting you know that my third book in The Creator Series is now available for pre-order. It's on special while on pre-order at only $0.99 which comes to $3.41 for us in South Africa (don't taxes and surcharges stink?) But really, that's only like R40 or so. Which for a book is nothing. Here says someone who often doesn't buy books because well, I don't always have the extra for luxuries. But I'd love a big fat Amazon voucher for my birthday coming up. *hint, hint*

Talking about my birthday, my book is releasing on my birthday this year. I was born on St. Paddy's day so lets think of green, four-leafed clovers, leprechauns.

Okay, seriously, I'm going off on way too many tangents. Seeing it's my birthday coming up, I'm feeling generous too. I'm going to gift someone a copy of Book 2 of The Creators series just for fun. So up until the 16th March, if you comment on this blog post, you get entered into the chance to win The Dance of the Firefly.

So here's to what I'm really posting about:

A Better Promise

When Braedon hires shy and serious Alicia as a secretary in his furniture business, he falls for her instantly. Alicia admires Braedon for his kindness and warms up to him despite her decision not to. There’s just one problem—Alicia has plans to enter the mission field and follow her vow to remain single the rest of her life. When she takes up an offer to help teach the Basotho teenagers in Lesotho, things don’t go as smoothly as she hoped. Braedon soon gets wind of her troubles and joins her. But will Alicia open her heart to love or hold fast to her childhood pledge?

An Excerpt:

Braedon smiled. “Have you had anyone special in your life?” he asked.
Alicia’s face burned, and she turned her eyes away from his gaze. Braedon was the most forward and open man she’d ever met, and he made her feel like she lived in a foreign land with strange people, having to adapt to strange customs. She braced herself.
“As a teenager, I wasn’t into boyfriends and guys like the other girls—I studied my Bible and distant countries because I believed God had called me to something special. When I reached twelve, I made a vow to the Lord to remain single so I wouldn’t be distracted from my work for him. I didn’t want to be bogged down with duties at home and with children. I have so far stuck to my vow.”
Braedon kept silent, and she suspected he despised her for her radical views. Everyone had. That’s why she didn’t talk about them anymore. Safer to keep them to herself. She daren’t look at him, in case she found the disdain in his eyes.
He spoke, his voice clear. “Kirsty was the only true love in my life, and I lost her because I feared telling her about my true self. I’ll never make that mistake again. It’s always good to be upfront with people. Well done for being honest with me and telling me such a private thing—I know you found it difficult. You were very brave to tell me that.”
Alicia nodded and offered him a small smile. He seemed to reassure her in any way he could, turning any negative into a positive, if he had a chance. He also had the uncanny ability to get things out of her she preferred to keep trapped inside.
The room seemed to close in on her. The feelings for Braedon were magnifying with every moment she spent with him. She shouldn’t have turned back and come to him when he asked. She should have made some other excuse about having to get back to her work. Learning about him hadn’t helped. Kirsty was a crazy chick. Why had she given up on Braedon and not given him a chance? If she were free to date him, she would have given him a second chance. She couldn’t date him though because she’d bound herself to a promise.
Braedon reached out to touch her hand resting on the desk. To her greatest relief, the doorbell rang, and she sprang up to meet the customer before he made any contact with her skin. 

Pre-order Links: