Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Washing Machine

When my kids were younger, we learned Afrikaans, one of the major languages in our country. It's kind of fizzled out 'specially since we've decided to pursue the American qualification and don't need to learn it. Anyway, I read them an Afrikaans story about a sock who was petrified to go into the washing machine. Eventually, one of the other garments promised to hold onto him tight while he spun around. He ended up having fun after all.

I've gone through many rounds of edits lately. I've had two books release in the last few months and have another two coming out next year some time which have been doing the rounds. Plus I've had three of my alter-ego's book in several rounds of edits. (I write a different genre under a pseudonym.) I'm exhausted. I have a deadline for Monday for a content edit and I've been battling to concentrate on it this week. The weekend has been a bit better without my kids disturbing me.

I've felt a little like that sock in the washing machine - being spun around and wrung up to dry. It's hard to get edited even when you really gel with your editor, which I do at the moment. It's tiring and it takes immense concentration! More so than writing. Because you have to make sure you still get the message of your story across and word it right. You have to kill your babies (favourite phrases) heartlessly. It knocks down your pride. But it builds your book up.

It's all worth it!

When I read a book that hasn't been editing properly, it breaks the flow of the story. You have to keep on stopping to work out what the writer was saying. Pause, step out the story. Not good for flow. Not good to keep your reader committed.

Now, I know some readers may not even notice as they haven't worked with editors for years and don't know all the problems and errors. Although my husband certainly would as he's a grammar nerd. And so am I. I admit, my grammar isn't perfect, but I can't bear it when a good book is spoilt by messy grammar.

Now, it's very hard as a writer to get everything perfect. I definitely don't. I need editors. I need several rounds to clear out all that clutter in my book. I definitely couldn't self-publish a book and just edit it myself. I did that years ago with disastrous consequences - the book got terrible reviews. Reading it years later, I could see why.

And my characters do the oddest things and go against their character. I need a second or third set of eyes to see that.

So, I appeal to you writers. For the sake of your future fans and current readers, get your book edited by a "professional" editor. I don't mean your friend down the street or even your writing friend unless they are a best seller and have had years in the industry. Rather, get someone who's been in the editing business awhile and knows what's needed to clean up a book. Do yourself a favour. Either go through a publishing house or pay for an editor.

The more you work with editors, the more you'll learn what's needed for future books. I've learned so much, but I still don't feel confident to send my book out there without that wonderful, patient, thorough person working alongside me. I really appreciate them. So much honour is given to the writer of a book. Do they realise how much the book is a product of the editor too?

I see it also as painting a room. You have to do several coats. You can't just paint one coat on your wall. The previous colour will show through, or the plaster. The paint won't hold. It will look awful. You need to add several coats. Each edit is a new coat. I hate painting!!! Did you hear that! I HATE PAINTING!!! It's one of the worst things in life. I'd rather spend my hard-earned cash on someone to do it for me. So, adding extra coats is pure torture for me. But it has to be done if you want your room to look good, even presentable in the end. Two years ago, we repainted the kitchen. A nasty job but worth it in the end. The only part that wasn't totally unbearable was painting the burglar-bars for the windows.

If I had the means, I would send each of my wonderful editors a big cyber hug and lots of chocolate. You deserve a medal for all your hard work and to also have your names on the covers.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Book Spotlight for New Release - Karen King

Karen King is on my blog today for her new children's/teen's book, Sapphire Blue. It's release day today!!

Author Bio:

Karen King has had over one hundred children’s books published. She’s written for many children's magazines too including Sindy, Barbie, Winnie the Pooh and Thomas the Tank Engine. She writes for all ages and in all genres; story books, picture books, plays, joke books and non-fiction.  Sapphire Blue is her second YA novel. She also writes romance novels under the name of Kay Harborne.


“No one has ever walked out of Red. Once the Soul Catchers get you they don’t let you go.” Denny’s words scare me but I have no choice. If Will is in Red that’s where I have to go.

I’ve never really thought what it was like when you died. I’m only 16, too young to worry about that. At least I thought I was. I’ve heard about Heaven and Hell, of course, but it doesn’t look like I’m in either of them. All I know is that Will is here too and I need to find him. I can’t face spending eternity without him.


My mind is a mess. I can’t leave Will. I’ve got to help him. But how can I? I don’t know this world. If I don’t go with Grandpa and my family, I’ll be on my own. The Soul Catchers might get me too.
Soul Catchers. The very name makes me shudder. Have they got Will? What are they doing to him?
Will and I promised to love each other forever. How can I go without knowing he’s safe? I can’t leave him. But if I stay, how can I help him? My head is such a mish-mash of thoughts and fears I’m hardly aware of Grandpa leading me over to the silver bus, of climbing up the steps to board it.
It’s crowded so we have to go right at the back to find a seat. Grandpa gently pushes me into the seat by the window. I look out and see the guy still waiting on the steps. He’s not giving up on his sister. How can I give up on Will so easily?
That guy belongs here. He knows his way around, I remind myself. I’m new. I need to stay with Grandpa. Besides, the zone guides will find Will.
What if they don’t? I might never see him again.
The realization smacks me like a punch to the stomach, momentarily winding me.
I can’t go. Going with Grandpa might mean leaving Will forever and I can’t do that.
I can get another bus and meet up with Grandpa later, when I find Will. He could be on his way here, right now. I think of him walking in alone and confused like I was, of running to greet him, hugging him, letting him know that even though we’re here we still have each other. I have to wait for him.
I get up from my seat, almost jumping over Grandpa in my haste to get off.
“I’m waiting for Will,” I shout as I race down the aisle toward the closing door.
I can hear Grandpa and Aunt May calling me to come back but I ignore them. The doors are closing. With a final burst I reach them, slip through the narrowing gap and leap out, landing sprawled out on the ground. I hear the doors slide shut behind me and a loud whoosh. Scrambling to my knees I swivel around just in time to see the silver bus rise up and soar off into the sky, swiftly disappearing behind the clouds. Okay, so that’s why it’s called a sky-bus. Now what the hell do I do?
The guy’s standing in front of me, arms crossed, looking cool as chilled lemonade on a burning hot day. 

To find Karen online, click here:

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More to follow

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Author Interview with Carole Avila

Today, I have a wonderful writer friend, Carole Avila, talking about her latest release, Death House, and answering some questions. I think you have such courage writing a horror, Carole. I don't think I could get that right without making it cheesy.

I'm in the middle of reading her fascinating paranormal romance, Eve’s Amulet~Book 1.


What is the best thing for you about being a writer?
Besides the obvious of doing what I love, I enjoy working where I want, when I want. It’s so great to wake up in the morning and know that the day is mine. However, with that said, I have a small part-time job because I am still in the process of becoming a full-time writer.

What is the hardest thing for you about being a writer?
It’s a challenge for me to find the patience as I wait to become an official “financially successful international best-selling author.” Also, it’s a drag that like other authors I know, it’s hard to find readers who are willing to give an honest critique of an entire work in a timely manner.

What genre/s do you write and what genre is your latest release?
I love so many different genres. Since I write what I dream, the genres are already chosen, but they all have some romance involved. Eve’s Amulet~Book 1 is a paranormal romance and historical fiction. Death House, my latest release, is a YA horror story and paranormal teen romance.

What essential things have you learned about writing in the last year?
That’s a great question, Kathy. It’s essential to connect to other writers, as they’re my biggest support group because they understand all that entails being a writer. It’s important to support your written works through marketing and promotion. Lots of us don’t enjoy that part, but maybe with a better attitude, it will be almost as enjoyable as the writing process. I’m still working on the attitude part!

Who is your favourite heroine from your books and why?
In Death House, Adley works hard to move beyond her fear, and I admire that in people. Adley doesn’t deny that her fear exists, but she’s willing to acknowledge it and still do what is right for her despite the fear.

What type of hero do you like? Super alpha, wounded or somewhere in between? Or even something totally different? You could give an example from a movie or well-known book.
Until now, I hadn’t given this question much thought, so here’s my off-the-top-of my-head answer: Ranger, from Janet Evanovich’s One for the Money series because he’s mysterious—a man’s man without being macho and abusive to women; Thor, because Chris Hemsworth is totally hot; Derek Morgan, Shemar Moore’s character on Criminal Minds because he’s intelligent, loves women but treats them with respect, and has a sense of humor despite the gore of his job; and Captain Kirk—who accepts himself despite his flaws and he totally trusts his gut instincts. I think that’s sexy in a man!

Tell us about your journey in writing this book.
I think it took Death House so long to get out the door because I made the mistake of not trusting my own intuition, yet I’m glad I listened to some great but painful-to-my-ego critiques that made a positive difference in the story. But the most significant part of the writing process was developing my confidence as a writer and overcoming my fear of what people would think. Once I decided to pursue writing professionally, everything shifted for the better as far as my writing career goes.

Tell us three quirky or interesting things about yourself.
I had to ask my boyfriend to answer this. He said I have a wonderful ability to make weird things sound good, like I could make an old flower pot sound like it belongs at the Ritz. (I think he means I have a good imagination.) He also said he likes my laugh—it’s weird but cute. (He never told me that before.) He thinks it’s weird that that I don’t like going to Mexico, eating hot foods, and know only a handful of Spanish words, even though I’m Mexican-American. (That’s the Carmelite nuns’ fault—they told my mom not to let us learn Spanish or “act” like Mexicans and being a good catholic, she listened.)

What rituals do you use to help you focus or get the words down on the page e.g. music or a snack.
I cannot listen to music while distracts me! I end up wanting to listen to the soundtrack or lyrics rather than writing. I like to have a hot chai latte by my side or glass of water, and in between pages that are hard to write or edit I clear my thoughts with a quick game of solitaire or rummy on my computer.

Mention something unique about your books and your writing style.
I dream most all of my books or “see” them in meditations. I think that anything ever written, is being written, or will be written already exists in another dimension and we just have to connect with the Universe (God, Source, Creator, etc.) and listen. Weird, huh?

What book would you like to work on next?
I want to edit finished drafts of a contemporary drama romance and a literary women’s fiction work. I’m still writing Eve’s Amulet~Book 2, as well as my non-fiction work on the long term effects of abuse.


15 year-old Adley doesn’t know that an evil being born of a generational curse haunts her grandmother’s mansion or that it hides in a dark portal beneath her bed. Adley will die on her next birthday unless she can find a way to end the evil. She meets Victor, the only one who can destroy the curse forever. Together they can save future lives, but will they succumb to fear just as they found real love?


The overhead light flickered off and on. Adley glimpsed a hulking shadow lurking in the corner of her room between the closet and bedroom door. As dark as night itself, the black figure started to take shape right in front of her eyes. Then the lights went out completely.
Adley reached backward for the light switch. If the bulb still worked, the obscure image would disappear the moment the light when on. The bright flash relieved her sense of unease when she looked back to the corner, but only for the briefest moment. As predicted, the shadow was no longer there.
Now it stood right in front of her.
A long string of bones snapped out the top of the obsidian mass with a spidery hand tethered on the end and whipped itself straight at her. Adley jerked to the side and the clawed limb smashed into the door and locked it. Too scared to scream, she ran to the other corner of the room, farthest from the door. Adley grabbed a frame off the dresser and threw it at the dark mass. The shadow dissolved.
She willed every ounce of strength in a sprint for the door. From out of nowhere, the hand shot out in front of her and spread its fingers like a catcher’s mitt ready to grab whatever came its way.
Adley slid beneath the bones and into the door as if she was sliding into home base. The spindly object grabbed her foot as she hit the door. Adley kicked at it and her foot crushed the bony hand. It broke into pieces that scattered across the floor, clattering like a bowl of marbles.
The creature cackled and whispered clearly into her ear, “Aaad––”
“Shut up!” she shouted. “Don’t say it! You have no right to say my name!”
She grabbed hold of the handle, ignoring the freezing burn on her skin. Adley yanked the door open and looked back.
Five skeletal fingers with deadly sharp nails flew directly at her face.

Wow, Carole, you know how to write scary! I'm amazed at the variety of genres you can write. Was so lovely learning more about you.

Here is where you can buy Death House:

Connect with Carole online:

Blog (wordpress)
Blog (blogspot)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Book Spotlight with Helen Pollard

Today, I have fellow Astraea Press author Helen Pollard talking about her romance, Warm Hearts in Winter. I adore this cover.

Can two hearts thaw on the midwinter moors?


Forced by circumstance into the world of temping, when Abby Davis accepts an assignment in the wilds of Yorkshire as personal assistant to a widowed novelist, she assumes he is an ageing recluse.

Thirty-something Jack Blane is anything but. Still struggling to get his life and writing career back on track three years after his wife’s death, Jack isn’t ready for a breath of fresh air like Abby.

Snowed in at his winter retreat on the moors, as the weeks go by and their working relationship becomes friendship and maybe more, Abby must rethink her policy of never getting involved with someone at work … and Jack must decide whether he is willing to risk the pain of love a second time.

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About the Author:

Helen Pollard writes contemporary romance with old-fashioned heart. She firmly believes there will always be a place for romantic fiction, no matter how fast-paced and cynical the world becomes. Readers still want that feel-good factor - to escape from their own world for a while and see how a budding romance can blossom and overcome adversity to develop into love ... and we all need a little love, right?

A Yorkshire lass, Helen is married, with two teenagers. They share space with a Jekyll and Hyde cat that alternates between being obsessively affectionate and viciously psychotic. Antiseptic cream is always close at hand.

When Helen’s not working or writing, it goes without saying that she loves to read. She also enjoys a good coffee in a quiet bookshop, and appreciates the company of family and close friends.

Find Helen at:

Excerpt from Chapter One:

Abby chewed her lip in anxious concentration as she peered through the windscreen, her fingers gripping the steering wheel so hard her knuckles were white. The narrow country road would be hard to negotiate at the best of times, but in the dark and the snow it was almost impossible. Despite her slow speed, the full beam from her headlights barely showed a bend until she was almost upon it — but since there was nowhere to turn around, all she could do was grit her teeth, stay calm and fervently hope her satnav didn't lead her down a sheep track or into a swollen river.
She allowed herself a soft curse at the weather and directed another at Casey while she was at it. It was all her fault this was happening. No, that wasn't true. Her friend was only trying to help, and it was because of their friendship that Abby had been foolish enough to accept this assignment. That and the fact she'd had little choice in the matter. Her recent bad luck — if that was what you could call it — hadn't allowed her the luxury of choice. She needed a job. Her best friend managed a temping agency. A job came up. Abby had exactly ten minutes to decide whether to accept the post of personal assistant to some thriller writer she'd never heard of. Casey had heard of him and recommended she did. Actually, she reminded her she was in no position to refuse. It would be a challenge, Casey said. Unusual, Casey said. Abby trusted her and accepted.
And now look. Desperate to set off before the weather deteriorated, she'd packed in such a hurry she'd probably forgotten half of what she needed, and she'd been driving for two hours through conditions that only got worse by the minute. She wasn't sure her ageing car could take much more. The wipers were clogged with the thick snowflakes that swirled across the windscreen, reducing visibility to virtually nothing. She had no idea what she would do if something came in the opposite direction — although she was so far out in the middle of nowhere she doubted there was another soul around. That is, apart from Jack Blane — her new boss for the next few weeks — who in his wisdom had chosen to write his latest novel miles from civilization on the bleak Yorkshire moors in the worst winter weather for years. Abby had heard writers liked solitude, but this was ridiculous!
Just as she was beginning to think this whole thing must be a bad dream, her satnav archly informed her she was nearly there. Abby slowed her car to a crawl, peering over the steering wheel like an old lady who'd forgotten her glasses.
"Nearly where?" she asked the machine's know-it-all voice.
A dark shape loomed at the side of the road, and she screeched to a halt. Not a bright move. The car skidded nearly full circle, and Abby had to fight both the wheel and her own panic to regain control. Her heart thudding, she opened the driver's window and stuck her head out. A house of forbidding dark stone, dusted liberally with snow, stood silhouetted against the grey sky. Abby glared at her satnav and back at the house. Well, this must be it. There was certainly nowhere else in sight.
"Great. Out of the frying pan and straight onto the set of Wuthering Heights," she muttered.

 Ooh, I just love that excerpt!
Yes, I agree, we all need love and the feel-good factor. Exactly why I like to write romance.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Book Spotlight - Heather Gray

Today, I have fellow Astraea Press regency and inspirational author, Heather Gray, talking about her new release, Queen. It's book 3 of her Regency Refuge series.

Back Cover Blurb:
You can't hide from the past.

Queen's world was shattered, and she was banished to a foreign land. Years pass before she dares to return, but what she finds is of little comfort. Greed and dishonesty have festered and grown in her absence. Embittered and cynical, Queen trusts few people.

Owen pursues a clandestine investigation and finds himself working side-by-side with a veritable ghost, an agent few have seen, a master of disguise known simply as Queen.  He craves her trust…but then uncovers a secret from his family's past that could destroy her.

Queen once sought refuge in America and now seeks it in disguise. Owen has always found his refuge in God, but will his faith be strong enough for the challenges ahead? Can he convince Queen to stop hiding, or is he doomed to become her most hated enemy?


Three days had passed since the beginning of his employment with Lady Rutherford. Owen stared at the ledgers spread out across the considerable breadth of the walnut desk and blinked slowly. By jove, I think I'm on to something here. At the sound of approaching feet, he closed the ledger and picked up some of the late viscount's correspondence.

The housemaid shuffled in then. "I'm here to stoke the fire, Mr. Lobbing."

"Go ahead. By the by, can you tell me your name? I keep forgetting to ask."

She bobbed her head and gave a half-curtsy. "Isadore."

"I'm pleased to meet you, Isadore."

"But we've met before, Mr. Lobbing."

He chuckled. "Of course, but we've not been introduced until this moment."

She gave him an odd look and went about her business with the fireplace. He'd not seen her the last couple of days, and according to Chambers, she'd been punished for some infraction and assigned scullery duties. The butler hadn't been forthcoming about the infraction, so Owen had been left wondering.

"It's good to see you out and about again, Isadore. The footman did a passable job with my fire, but he's not nearly as efficient as you."

She glanced at him with wide eyes before she dropped her gaze back to her task. Once she was done with the fire, she took a step toward the door, but her foot caught on the edge of a rug. Time slowed. Isadore lurched to her right then overcorrected and stumbled wildly to her left until her feet became tangled up in the legs of a globe stand. The globe teetered, its position precarious, and Owen jumped to rescue it. Neither of their jobs would be secure if something happened to the globe, and he had a feeling Isadore didn't have many employment choices.

Isadore, in fighting to get her feet free, finally sent the globe stand toppling onto its side. The globe tumbled out, striking the floor before Owen could get a hand on it. He helped Isadore to her feet and found his eyes drawn to her blue ones in the most peculiar way. Owen turned his back to her and set the globe's stand to rights again. Then he reached for the globe, but Isadore must not have been quite steady on her feet yet, for her foot slipped past him and kicked the the spherical object before she regained her footing.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Lobbing. Do you think it's damaged? I can't get in trouble again, I jus' can't."
Owen glanced from Isadore to the globe. It had made a sound when rolling that last little bit. "I'm sure it's fine. You'd best be on your way."

He picked up the globe and examined it. Much to Owen's relief, the sphere remained unbroken. Isadore did not need more trouble with her employer. Waiting until the maid was out the door, he shook the globe. A definite clank met his ears. Owen ran his fingers across the globe's entire surface. A compartment had to be hidden within. Sure enough, over the western part of the colonies along one of the seams, a slight irregularity could be felt along the surface, nothing more than a small bump. Firm pressure from his fingers, and he heard a satisfying click. The globe came apart in his hands.

Author Bio:

Heather Gray authors the Ladies of Larkspur inspirational western romance series, including Mail Order Man, Just Dessert, and Redemption.  She also writes the Regency Refuge series: His Saving Grace, Jackal, and Queen - plus contemporary titles Ten Million Reasons and Nowhere for Christmas.  Aside from a long-standing love affair with coffee, Heather’s greatest joys are her relationships with her Savior and family.  Heather loves to laugh, and this theme is prevalent in her writing where, through the highs and lows of life, her characters find a way to love God, embrace each day, and laugh out loud right along with her.

You can find Heather online at,, and  She can also be found most days at The Inspired Inkpot, a street team, prayer group, and all around awesome place to hang out -

Buy Links:

Friday, November 7, 2014


I love cats!

Cats change your life. They bring joy and sometimes a whole cocktail of emotions - frustration, grief, love, pleasure, laughter. They have such unique personalities - each one is SO different. The list goes on.

We had a black and white cat called Cutex which we bought as a kitten only months after arriving back in our home country, South Africa. Cutex wasn't always the easiest cat. She was always hungry!! I used to get so frustrated with her in the kitchen because she nagged me for food constantly. Eventually I got used to it and started to see the humour in it.

She adored dairy. Cheese, butter, cream. Anything with a drop of dairy in it became a treat.

She was also extremely grumpy. Maybe because the last few years of her life, she had allergy and skin problems and didn't like to be touched much. I even tried to cut out dairy from her diet, but somehow she found it and ate it - whether from our plates or in some toast crumbs (with butter). But her grumpiness was funny and I know it sounds mean, but she made us laugh. She was like loving and grumpy at the same time. She used to hold meowing conversations with my husband sometimes. My husband is the resident Dr Doolittle in our home - he has such a way with animals. They all adore him!!

Anyway, she passed away several months back. We still don't know what happened to her but we found her dead in the yard of the people a few houses up from us. Either she was knocked down or attacked and went in there to lie down or her body gave it. She just hadn't been looking good the last few months before she died but there was nothing seriously wrong with her except for the allergies.

My kids really wanted another cat. And so did I. But we were wary. We didn't feel like we could replace Cutex. No, you can never replace a pet. They're each unique and special in their own way. We took a drive out to our local SPCA and looked at what cats they had. Two cats caught our eye - the one was long-haired and beautiful and not so much a kitten anymore. The other one was white with brown splotches and the friendliest little thing. It kept on coming to us and wasn't scared. He would see us off as we went there three times before we eventually chose him.

His name is Laska and he is the most wonderful cat! He's got a great personality. He's fearless. The vet called him "Rambo" when we took him for an injection because he didn't flinch. He's the only cat who's not scared of our two dogs and has befriended the dog that used to chase our cats the most outside.

Laska is playful, energetic yet can look so sleepy sometimes and he actually likes to be held. Not many cats do. When my husband went to Canada for three weeks, the one weekend my kids were away on camp. I was quite lonely. I'm so used to my family around, so it was kind of horrible. Anyway, Laska was great company. He slept in my room for the two nights. He loves to sleep by our heads or necks and purrs loudly most of the night. It's so cute although you don't get much sleep.

Here's a couple of pics of him:

We have another beautiful cat called Ginger. She's sweet and gentle and a wonderful cat. My son and her have a special bond. Here's a pic of her.

Anyway, you must wonder what this has to do with books and writing. Well, in His Halloween Kisses, the hero Byron give Ali a black cat. She's most upset in the beginning because he doesn't even ask her but just drops it off at her home. I won't tell you what happens, but here's a short snippet from the scene when she discovers he's given her a cat:

That evening, Ali came in the door and ran to the couch to rest her weary feet. She’d taught five lessons in one day and couldn’t be happier. If it weren’t for the horrible let--‐‑down of the night before, she would be at her happiest in ten years. Who would have thought she’d love teaching art, of all things? Not science, not history, but art. Watching what the kids under her instruction produced brought her even more joy than when she’d designed her own jewellery. Who would have thought? Pat, her long--‐‑time school friend and now roommate, came through and stood staring in at her.
“Guess what?” She clapped her hands together.
“Someone dropped this off for you.” Pat ignored her and pointed down at a basket on the floor which Ali hadn’t noticed yet.
The basket wriggled and moved. Something black peeped from inside of it.
“What’s that?”
“I think it’s a cat.”
“I’m sorry?”
“A cat. You know, those furry pets that have whiskers, a tail, and go ‘meow.’”
“I know what a cat is.” She walked up to the basket and opened the lid. A tiny, furry, very black face stared at her and gave out a little squeak that could pass for a meow.
“It’s a kitten, not a cat.”
Pat merely stared at her, a cookie poised in her hand but not going to her mouth.
She touched the cat’s head tentatively, wondering if it would try to scratch her.
“You’d think it was still Halloween,” Pat said. “Black cat with an orange basket on a blanket filled with spider print.”
“Oh my goodness.” Ali stepped away. “How could he?”
“He thinks gifts are going to take away all the problems—thinks he can buy my understanding.”
Pat merely stared on. Obviously Janet hadn’t told her about her bad date the night before.
“I don’t even want a cat. How can someone give a pet without asking? A pet is a big thing. You have them for years.”
“It has beautiful eyes. They’re blue.” Pat knelt next to the basket and picked up the little creature.
Her heart went out to the helpless thing, but really, she couldn’t look after a pet. She worked all day and had busy nights now with school preparation. And besides, she could barely afford to feed herself. What was he thinking?
And what did he want from her?
“Most kittens have blue eyes, don’t they?” Ali came up to her friend and peered into the lost little face.
“She’s hungry.” Pat handed it to her. “Feed her.” She had no choice but to take the furry, wriggling thing.
“Aren’t you listening to me? I don’t want it.”
Pat moved towards the door. “I don’t think you have a choice. Black cats are bad luck.” She gave her a wink and walked out of the room.
“Wait! Pat…Pat! Did you see who brought it?”
Pat turned around from walking halfway down the passage.
“He was really cute, Ali. And he said he’s sorry. What more can I say?” Pat shrugged and slipped into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.
The kitten stared up at her as if to say “I’m hungry.” She bent down and looked in the basket. Sure enough, he’d placed a baby blanket on the base with a Halloween print of spiders, creepy hands, and jack-o’-lanterns. Also in the basket sat kitten food in a
sealed bag on top of two small orange bowls.
The absolute cheek to assume she’d accept a pet without questions.
Giving someone a big responsibility like this wasn’t like giving a piece of jewellery or a bouquet of roses. This meant years of commitment. You asked before you gave someone a pet. What if she didn’t like cats? What if she were allergic to them? And if one of her roommates were allergic? Didn’t he think? He had absolutely no sense at all. One minute, he kissed her, the next minute he was engaged, and the next he disrupted her whole life.
“Ugh!” she screamed. The kitten sprang out her hands and scampered to a corner behind the couch. Oh great. Now she’d scared it.
She had to feed the creature, and then she’d phone the SPCA to find a new home for it. After searching for ages for a pair of scissors as her mind was all over the place, she cut open the bag and poured some kibble into one of the bowls. Maybe the sound would summon the cat out of its hiding place. Nothing. It remained
curled up in the corner, its little heart causing its whole body to shake. She didn’t mean to scare it so much.
Laying the blanket flat on the floor right next to the kitten, she put the food bowl on top of it and then quickly went to fill up the other bowl with water. When she got back, the wiry little ball of fluff had tucked in already, now oblivious to whatever had made it scared. Its tail zoned towards the ceiling while crunching sounds emanated from its small head.
If only she could keep it.
But no, she couldn’t. And she should phone Byron first before the SPCA. He knew where the cat came from and should return it there.
She slumped back onto the couch, wondering what to say to him. Really, did she have to talk to him tonight? She’d so hoped she’d never ever see him again.
A pungent smell wafted up towards her nose. Oh no! She’d forgotten that kittens didn’t know how to go outside to the toilet. Running around to the baby blanket, she found a steaming parcel on the floor by the couch. Great. Her roommates will love her now. She picked up her cell phone and dialed his number. “Why didn’t you give kitty litter with the basket? In fact, why didn’t you check with me first before giving me a pet? What were you thinking?”
“Good day to you too.” Byron sounded unusually cheerful despite the status of their friendship.
“Good day.” Was she being rude? Hearing his voice, all the anger seeped out of her.
“She needed a home, and I wanted to show you I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what?” She wanted to scream at him, but the kitten waddled up to her on shaky legs and put a tiny, sharp claw on her foot.

Friday, October 31, 2014

New Release - Kiss My Lips by Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku

Title: Kiss My
Series: Holiday
Series, #2
978-1502776549 (Paperback)
Publication Date:
Wednesday 29th October 2014
Cover Artist: Love
Bites And Silk

Kiss My Lips (Holiday
Series Book 2) is a sequel to
Stolen Valentine
Kiss (Holiday Series Book 1).
 Add to Goodreads

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

White Christmas Kiss Released

Release day for my Christmas romance! Woohoo! Thank you, Astraea Press. You rock!!

Everything about the settings in this book are dreamy - white Christmas, passenger liner, Europe. All beautiful, exotic locations. It was great fun to write. And I loved working with a wounded heroine - my favourite. Rachelle's wounds are partly self-inflicted - she's too hard on herself and hasn't come to terms with her past mistakes. Don't we all suffer from regret at some stage in our lives but it becomes dangerous when it stops us from opening our heart to love.


Rachelle runs a little wedding chapel on the Coderica Passenger Liner. Two years on the passenger liner haven’t helped her find peace from past mistakes. Ray brings his girlfriend on the Coderica’s grand cruise to Europe. When his plans to marry her in the little chapel go horribly wrong and the relationship fails, Ray and Rachelle are drawn to each other like moths to a flame. Romance blossoms in Europe, culminating on Christmas Day. But the cruise ends and Rachelle isn’t sure she’s ready to leave the Coderica with Ray. Will the memory of their white Christmas kiss be strong enough to bring them together forever?


“I’m thinking of ending the whole relationship.”
The woman walked to the fire and placed her hands near its warmth. “The air by that window is cold.”
“The weirdest thing is that I’m actually enjoying being away from her.”
“Would you like another drink?”
It was actually humorous how she avoided the conversation. He shook his head. “I’d like to get to my ship cabin safely without toppling overboard.”
“Are you feeling relaxed?”
She shrugged.
He couldn’t bear it any longer. In a moment, he rose and moved to her, placing his hands on her sagging shoulders. “What did you run away from?”
“I’m sorry?” She turned to him, her eyes haunted, cheeks flushed with embarrassment—or was it the heat of the fire?
“I can see it in your eyes…the hurt…the confusion.”
She pulled away and attempted to walk back to the window, but he grabbed her hand, desperate for her to open up and release the pent-up, albeit negative, energy. The force of their opposite movements made her spin around to face him, her soft cheeks inches from his gaze. Her lips were pursed and pale pink—no lipstick, no cracks, just smooth and plump. A warm vanilla scent wafted from her hair, mingling with the lazy smell of liqueur and wood smoke. In a moment, he’d tucked her up against him, and he’d moved his lips onto hers. The pressure he gave her surprised even him, as also the need to remain there, locked in a kiss in a smoky bar in Spain when his future wife stood vigil in a hospital back home.
He expected her to pull away and break the contact. Waited for her scathing comment to add fuel to his guilt. Instead, her whole body softened in his grasp, making him unable to retreat. He explored her mouth with simple movement, which she mirrored. They were instinctively in tune, and the arousal he experienced sent shock waves through him. It felt so intense that he was now convinced Desia wasn’t the only woman who stirred him to such passion. In fact, this felt far deeper and more intense than Desia’s…

“I have to go.” She pulled away and turned from him, grabbing her jacket in haste.

Buy Link:

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Autumn's Kiss Blog Hop

Ten sweet romance authors got together and wrote a book. Ten short romances set in fall, the season of change, of harvest, of traditions. What a fun experience. We found each other on the Clean Romances Facebook group.

I have to say, I'm truly humbled to have my little story amongst the gems of this book. It's an amazing read!!

Here's a sneak peak of the book which is now available for purchase. We're offering up prizes to those who take part in the blog hop.

Buy Links:


The Book Trailer:

The title of my story in the book is called "The Fall Apples and Mr. Craigson."

So, I set out to write a fall romance. Not being from the US, our fall is in April. Our apple tree comes alive at that time and our dogs feast on what falls to the ground. We haven't eaten many of the apples, but they are improving with each year. Most years though, the birds and bugs get to them first. Still, I love the apple tree. One year, we had a bumper harvest, and I managed to make an apple pie with the apples. Here's a pic of one my daughter picked compared to a store-bought apple:

So, the apple tree inspired my short story in the anthology. Trina has a row of apple trees that she wants cut down. When she hires Mr. Craigson to help out with the job, she's shocked at how attracted she is to him. It causes problems. She's supposed to be married - well pretending to be married to a rich businessmen to keep unwanted men away. Mr. Craigson sees through her facade though, but is she ready to give her already bruised heart away?

If you fill in your answers to each question along the blog tour, you can win a grand prize. Also, I will be offering a copy of His Halloween Kisses, my holiday romance novella to one commenter on this blog post. Although I love to receive your comments, that will not give you automatic entry for the grand prize (and it's grand - about $70). You need to fill in the form and follow each blog hop. Please find the link to the other blogs below:

Ready for My Question??

What is Trina's secret?

A. She's in an unhappy marriage.

B. She's committed a crime.

C. She's pretending to be married to a rich man.

Type in your answer in the form below:

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Cover Reveal - The Dance of the Firefly

I'm so happy that my book has a cover!! Yippie!! I loved this book - just love the characters, especially my heroine, Rowena. She touches a cord with me. This is my first multi-cultural romance and I loved writing it!!

And it's about ballet which I'm crazy about. As a kid, I had two dreams - become an author or a ballerina. I chose the one and now I'm writing about the other, lol. (Just a little secret - in retrospect, I would have hated the life of a ballerina. I like a quiet, family life which matches an author much better. And another secret - I don't think my body was cut out for such athletic stuff but I enjoy tinkering around with ballet workout sessions at home sometimes.) Oh, my high school friend ended up being a ballerina and danced for an American ballet company. Boasting here *wink, wink*. Anyway, I haven't maintained contact with her - different worlds I suppose.

Enough of that. Get on with the book...

So take a look:

The cover shows the characters so well. Rowena is a ballet teacher who couldn't follow her dream of dancing on stage. She lives in Zambia and Cameron is a South African worker on contract in Zambia, a single dad with a daughter who needs a female role model in her life. I lived in Zambia for seven years and had to use it for a setting in one of my books. What better than the Ubuntu line of Decadent Publishing for entering a new African culture?

Here's the blurb:

Zambian ballet teacher Rowena Chisanga agrees to give her most difficult student extra lessons because she doesn’t have a mother. What she didn’t bargain for was falling for Jamey’s South African father. Although Rowena and Cameron share the grief of losing a loved one, they are of different race and culture. To complicate matters, Cameron’s work contract in Zambia is soon to end, and Cameron holds fast to the memories from his past marriage. Not willing to sacrifice his daughter’s well-being for a short-lived fling, he chooses to return early to South Africa without informing Rowena. On top of that, she is afraid to give her all to Cameron and Jamey, especially when it means giving up her long-awaited dream to dance in a ballet company. When life’s conflicts and their memories and hurts are pitched against them, can their love survive?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ultimate Book Tag

Thank you to Krysten Lindsay Hager for tagging me for this fun author/reader experience. I'm tagging my writer friend, Ylette Pearson. Here are my answers to the questions.

1. Do you get sick while reading in the car?
Sometimes I get a bit of a headache, but other times I can read for hours without a problem.

2. Which author’s writing style is completely unique to you and why?
I’ve just read one of R.M. Alexander’s books. Wow, she has a unique style. She somehow brings you into a fantasy world and writes very differently to anything I’ve ever read. Her book is called Veil of Secrecy.

3. Harry Potter series or the Twilight Saga? Give 3 points to defend your answer.
I have a confession. I’ve never watched Harry Potter. I intend to some day. Twilight Saga is okay, but I couldn’t choose until I watch Harry Potter.

4. Do you carry a book bag? If so, what is it in (besides books…)?
Nope. My kindle holds lots of books. Don’t need a book bag.

5. Do you smell your books?
Maybe it’s a writer or reader thing, but there’s nothing more wonderful than the whiff of a new book.

6. Books with or without little illustrations?
I only like illustrated children’s books.

7. What book did you love while reading but discovered later it wasn’t quality writing?
Sorry, I can’t think of anything for this question.

8. Do you have any funny stories involving books from your childhood? Please share!
Well, I used to walk to the library every week, maybe even more, to get myself more books. And I lived several kms away. It’s not funny but it shows my love of books.

9. What is the thinnest book on your shelf?
Probably a Mills and Boon or a devotional book.

10. What is the thickest book on your shelf?
The complete Chronicles of Narnia book.

11. Do you write as well as read? Do you see yourself in the future as being an author?
Um…now, should I answer that question???

12. When did you get into reading?
Right from a young age. Don’t know what started it. Maybe when my father bought me the whole Secret Seven series! Wish I’d kept those for my kids.

13. What is your favorite classic book?
Charlotte’s Web. Love that story.

14. In school was your best subject Language Arts/English?
Yes and Art.

15. If you were given a book as a present that you had read before and hated…what would you do?
I wouldn’t say anything but I’d probably give it away to someone who’d enjoy it or try to sell it.

16. What is a lesser known series that you know of that is similar to Harry Potter or the Hunger Games?
I enjoy Rae Rivers’ series, The Keepers. Still in the middle of reading it.

17. What is a bad habit you always do (besides rambling) while blogging?
Not blogging enough.

18. What is your favorite word?

19. Are you a nerd, dork, or dweeb? Or all of the above?

20. Vampires or Fairies? Why?
Fairies. I love fairies and have already written a book with them. My mother used to tell me about fairies so much as a kid so they bring back happy memories. I don’t really like the books where they’re made out to be evil though.

21. Shapeshifters or Angels? Why?
Shapeshifters. Find angel books a bit creepy for some reason. I think because I really believe they exist and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

22. Spirits or Werewolves? Why?
Hard one. Maybe werewolves – less creepy and more fictional.

23. Zombies or Vampires?

24. Love Triangle or Forbidden Love
Both. Depends on the story.

25. AND FINALLY: Full on romance books or action-packed with a few love scenes mixed in?

Stupid question for a romance writer and reader, I’d say.