Tuesday, February 13, 2018

New Writing Direction

If anyone has been following my blog and Facebook posts, they'll know that I've struggled with writer's block for the last two years or so. My painful divorce only served to exacerbate it, especially my ability to write romance. I managed to write one romance - Cat Therapy - a story I adore, but for some reason I'm struggling to find a home for it. I know I will eventually, but it's been a struggle.

The biggest thing with writer's block, I think, is that you start to write from your head instead of your heart and the story no longer flows. That has been what's been happening, except for Cat Therapy and one short story I wrote.

Yet, a totally different genre has started to happen for me. I'm writing about something that is close to my heart and which I'm passionate about. Maybe it's just for a season, but this book is flowing. I'm letting it flow from my intuition and I'm just writing. I still suffer from self-doubt, but I'm just going with the flow and letting it happen.

Here is an except from my book, The 30-Day Self-Love Devotional for Spiritual Seekers.

It's not a religious book and will appeal to spiritual people and those of all faiths.

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels https://www.pexels.com/photo/stack-of-love-wooden-blocks-810036/

Day 1

Put Yourself First

Just this once. Try it.
I’m a busy mom. I’m a single, working, homeschooling mom. This is an almost impossibility, yet it’s about survival. But more than that—it’s radical thriving.
I’m not saying you must drop all your responsibilities and go on a twenty-day tour all over Europe, spending every last cent of your savings, forgetting about the attention your son needs with his schooling for the next few months.
No, I’m saying, think of your needs for a change.
Take time out to do something just for you.
Something you love.
But don’t stress about it having to be something perfect. It doesn’t have to make you euphoric. It may even frustrate you because you’re trying so hard to enjoy yourself.
Do it anyway.
Do it often. Spend a few moments every day doing something you love, whether it’s reading that latest Mills and Boon, chilling in front of Netflix with your favorite series, or cooking up that batch of double-choc biscuits that you want to imbibe several all in one go of with your favorite caffe latte. Use a gorgeous coffee mug and your favorite plate.
Or go outside on a warm summer’s night, set up a beach towel on the grass, and stare at the stars. Even if you’re in the city, you’ll still see a few from your window.
Pamper yourself.
I’m not saying splurging so that your finances cause you stress; I’m saying treat yourself to something so lovely and romantic—albeit small and simple—fulfil that longing that you have to be loved, adored, and cherished. Do it to yourself. Even if you have a fantastic partner, find the time to give yourself this gift today. Pleasure yourself. Revel in it. Find what you enjoy.
But by all means, splurge if you can. If you wish.
And the greatest gift you can give is to make it a habit from now on.
Sure, you’ll have some difficult days when you don’t get a chance. That’s not for you to feel guilty about. Accept it and plan to do it the next day. We all have very busy days at times or days that hit us hard with challenges and experiences that leave us dry and battered. It would be wonderful if you could pamper yourself on those days too, because it would restore you a bit, but if you can’t, no stress.
Be your own best friend.
Be your lover.

Daily Affirmation: I am wholly loved and adored by The Universe. I am worth receiving everything good. I am worthy to be cherished and pampered. I am a vessel of pure love to myself and the world.